Thursday, March 02, 2006

a Sanctum for Mentalists

Did you ever check Steve's blog, linked over at the right? If so, you're at least aware of his service to mentalism. That service goes by the name of the Mentalist Sanctum, and it's a forum where you must convince Steve that you're serious about mentalism and about contributing, constructively, to the forum. This has - so far - eliminated the in-fighting and childishness which has been destroying the Magic Cafe lately, and which bored me away from the Ellusionist forums prior to that. I hesitate to recommend it, because I'd prefer it stay small and exclusive. So forget you ever read this.

This post is a little late being posted, because I'm recovering from a bout of food poisoning. I've been meaning to write a piece about my pseudo-job of going around lecturing on diabetes. If I don't get around to that for a few days (You DON'T want me going into detail about why I'm not sitting in front of the computer so much) I'd still like to encourage anyone with diabetes to contact me. We with diabetes should be living longer and healthier than our neighbors without diabetes.


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