Thursday, August 06, 2009

So it's been three years? Where has the time flown?

Almost two years ago, I managed to completely tear up the cartilage in my left knee. Didn't get anything done for it for about four months. Dumb ol' Chet thought it was just a pulled muscle, but it kept getting worse. So surgery wasn't able to completely fix everything, and I still limp a lot. About March, I started doing diabetes lectures again, though I still couldn't stay standing for too long. Did a couple of magic & mentalism shows, but little ones - where I could stay sitting down.

Now I have a real show coming up next month, and I need to keep on my feet for 50 - 60 minutes. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers!

But that's not why I came back to this blog.

One thing I'm learning, is that sometimes I need to motivate myself - and I'm more motivated when I've committed myself in public. That way, there's this pressure from friends and family for me to follow through and do what I've promised.

So I'm promising to finish putting together a mentalism show for teenagers, and get into schools, youth centers, whatever it takes - and to use this show to educate them on diabetes prevention and control.

I don't have to tell you that diabetes has reached epidemic proportions. I don't have to tell you how it's harder for young people, because so many of them aren't getting tested, or aren't controlling their diabetes. I think I can reach them, and if I have to sugar-coat the message, I will.

And if I can make this fun, maybe they'll listen - and maybe I'll follow through and get this done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize that it has been some time since this post was written and much time has passed, so I have to ask; with your public comitment have you been able to out together the shows and presentations you intended?

Blogger said...

Wish you'd left your name, Anonymous. I always feel a little funny talking to someone who isn't there.

As to the time between the original post and now, I did quite a few shows - and finally worked myself into physical exhaustion, including what turned out to be a mild (?) heart condition. That, the Meniere's Disease, the knee, and the constant moving has kept me from performing since April.

Anonymous Peter said...

Hey Chet,

I only want to congratulate you for all your work!

I really like your posts!


Anonymous Mathias said...

Will you perform again ?

Blogger said...

Mathias - I'd like to think so. But my health hasn't improved as much as I'd like. There are several things I WANT to do, including a speaking tour, but I've lost a lot of mobility.

Anonymous Mathias said...

Okay, sad with your health, i hope you can perform agian some day :)

Best of luck from me!


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